June 9, 2024 (7:21AM GMT +8)

Short and very quick Announcement and a follow up on this devlog that I posted yesterday. 
Some people were confused as to why the name's build is still 2.0 while the name placed is 2.2, rest assured you have the 2.2 version (that was a mistake on my end and I deeply apologize for that!)

Thus the short update is renaming the game's title to its respective version (currently v2.2). There are no changes to the plot, UI or whatsoever which comes to my next concern:

People misunderstood that the Romance Point Counter has been implemented, note, it is NOT implemented yet. The points as of Day 2 has no purpose and it's kind of useless to put the counter when it has no impact for both Days 1 & 2 so I'm holding it back for the mean time, it'll serve its purpose on Day 3 & 4 towards Day 7's (last day) release. For the BGs and the Gender Terms, I'll be implementing it along with the Romance Point Counter which is going to be v3.0), I'd like to put it all in one big update rather than in small bits.)

So recent fixes is just:
1.) Renaming files from 2.0 to 2.2
2.) Fixed NSFW build error (cannot push through end of Day 1 due to error)

Regards, Fantasia 

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Thank you sm for the content update!! I cannot wait (I will patiently wait) for the next update :) make sure to take time for yourself though!


Loving it already, I'm getting Persona vibes from this too <3


Thank you for the content and the update. Patiently waiting ....Good things take time.


Love the updates but don't overwork yourself okk??